Requirement exams

  • How are requirement exams registered?

    It is currently not possible to register online for the requirement exams. Students must complete the IAL registration form and send it by e-mail to pruefungen@ial.uni-hannover.de. After participating in and passing the exam, students will receive a certificate or a signature as well as a punch on the routing slip of the requirement exams, which they have received by post, from the IAL exams manager .


    The registration forms for the requirement exams can be found at:

Oral exams

  • How are oral exams registered?

    Students must register all oral exams as well as all written exams in QIS within the registration period specified by the examination office. In addition in case of an oral exam, students must complete the IAL registration form and send it by email to pruefungen@ial.uni-hannover.de. Registration at the IAL is possible up to two weeks before the first oral exam date latest; no registrations can be accepted after this point in time. Students will be informed of the time and date of their respective oral exam by e-mail. After participating in and passing the oral exams, the grade will be entered in QIS by the IAL.


    The registration forms for the oral exams can be found at:


  • How are the lecture-accompanying labs registered?

    Students register for the respective lecture-accompanying labs in QIS and, in addition, register in the Stud.IP groups of the corresponding labs. After participating in and passing the labs, the IAL will enter the academic achievement in QIS. In case a certificate of participation in the labs is required, please contact the IAL exams manager.


Final thesis

  • Where can the proposals for final theses be found at the IAL?

    Students can find the possible topics for final theses and IAL’s main fields of research on the IAL website. Students should contact the respective research assistant of the IAL by e-mail or telephone to arrange an appointment to discuss the possible thesis. The research assistant will explain the main tasks, the expectations and the organisation of the thesis during the meeting.


    The possible final theses and the main fields of research of the IAL can be found at:

    An interview with the academic deans Prof. Ponick and Prof. Vollmer about the topic of "Registration of a Bachelor thesis " (in German) can be found at:

Technical excursions

  • Does the IAL offer technical excursions?

    The IAL and its industrial partners offer several technical excursions each year amongst the usually a three-day excursion during the week following Whitsunday. Information about the technical excursions will be provided in the IAL lectures, in the corresponding exercises and in the Stud.IP groups. Registration for the technical excursions takes place at the IAL secretary's office (H006).


    Some photos of past excursions can be found at:

    Some industrial partners of the IAL can be found at:

Student research assistants

  • The IAL is regularly looking for motivated students.

    The IAL offers the opportunity to support IAL's research assistants as student research assistants (HiWi). If you are interested in one of IAL’s fields of research, please contact one of the research assistants of the corresponding research field (see topic: final thesis).


    The IAL also organises evening events such as HiWi-barbecues and the Student Christmas Market for HiWis, students writing their final thesis at the IAL and the best students in the IAL exams in order to foster the exchange between WiMis and students and to thank for the students’ contributions.


Industrial internship

After graduation

  • What opportunities does the IAL offer after graduation?

    The IAL is always looking for motivated and qualified research assistants to work on scientific issues related to IAL’s fields of research. Working on innovative research topics in a great, familiar team allows developing further qualifications, networking in the professional industrial world and preparing for a doctorate degree and the further professional career.


    If interested, students can contact the research assistants, the thesis supervisors or the professors even in case no job vacancies are officially published at that point in time.


    Job vacancies at the IAL can be found at:

    Job vacancies from industrial partners can be found on the notice board at the IAL (ground floor H-wing, main building).